
As part of its overall offering of enhanced HR services, GCC also offers senior management coaching through its team of highly experienced resource group. Even though we recommend coaches with experience in many different industries, we will try to meet the requests for industry specific coaches too.

World over, the coaching process has had proven results in unlocking the true potential of senior management. It provides a senior manager with a sounding board, someone whom he/she can plan with, discuss inner inhibitions with as well as a friend and mentor who will be by your side cheering you on to success.

Our coaching engagement looks at the current performance of your senior manager who is recommended for coaching, what improvement the organization would like to see in him/her as well as what might be holding him/her back in delivering this outcome. Given that the coaching exercise looks at delivering lasting behavioural change, it is necessarily, a medium to long term engagement. Where necessary, the coachee will also draw on the experience and expertise of the GCC resource person who will deliver a hybrid version of the coaching/consultative outcome. At all times however, the coachee will own the process and the outcome he/she desires.